The 5 T’s are my way of preparing Homeschool Learning Plans, and they are also very useful for the Registration Process. I use a wide array of each of the 5 T’s, to keep things interesting for my children and to support our Homeschool journey. Our style is The Eclectic Style, which means we employ a wide, fluid range of philosophies and methodologies. TASKS A task is ANY activity your child is immersed in, that involves their active participation. It may be planned or occur spontaneously. A task may be a single activity, a repetitive weekly gig, or a project that seems to have no end in sight. There may be a tangible product as a result, or there may not be. I’m still working out how to capture those musical notes in a jar. A simple task may be to learn how to use the washing machine. This is a life skill so we consider it to be very important, as is washing-up, cooking, cleaning, and shopping. A task may be: an online typing program; learning a new song on the piano; cooking popcorn on the stovetop; building a cubby (in the lounge room - again?); writing a letter to Nana, planting tomato seedlings; practising a dance routine; speaking Japanese around the dinner table; or creating Mum a gorgeous, Mother’s Day finger-painting. Tasks can be open-ended or intentional i.e. have a clear, specific goal. They can occur naturally or be the result of elaborate planning. Tasks tend to be Interests motivated - you find out what your child is really keen on NOW, and go with the flow. This lends to the Natural Style of Homeschooling, and even Unschooling. When my youngest, Jade, was taken with Creative Writing, for months on end, her task was to write, edit and publish. She even entered a local writing competition. My eldest Emily, at fifteen, was swept up with the novel Little Women. She decided to watch all three films, read and re-read the novel (in various shapes and sizes) and enjoyed letting me know the similarities and differences. Em then asked for some writing activities based on the novel, which I found online. One day we spotted an antique chest of drawers on the roadside that she just had to have for her bedroom, to feel that bit closer to Jo March. So cool! Jade was first into Tiny Houses at eleven years old, so she chose to research floor plans with architecture books, online sites, and visit homes. She studied her favourites then used the program Archicad (supported by her Dad) to create a floor plan that once complete she printed out and pinned to the wall. This project took about a month but she was inspired every day to work on it, including weekends and nights. She was as intrinsically motivated as Em was with Little Women. Both girls are into Manga art (clean versions thank you!) They research it by viewing hundreds of pieces of art online, in books, and then create their own works. This project is actually ongoing. Who knows when it may end? Maybe never. And that’s totally fine. Providing Evidence for your Recording: The end product; photographs of the process or end product; a written Observation; a video recording; anecdotal notes. TEXTS Texts include Fiction and Non-fiction. They can be audio, read or interactive (where the child writes or types in answers or responses). Both Non-fiction and Fiction have a place in the Homeschool Learning Plan and come in the form of books (hard and soft cover); audio books; films; audio/visual feed; e.g. YouTube, demo on Inventorium, etc. Decide for each subject how you would like to deliver learning for your child. You do not need a textbook for each KLA, although they do seem to assist with the registration process, (I do hope for change in this regard). I always ask my children to actively participate in choosing their own texts. At The Book Warehouse in Coffs, I scan the shelves until something jumps out that I think would suit, and then I ask my girls to read through a few pages and get a feel for the text. If they seem keen, I put the money down. For their novels they know exactly what they love and take time to read the blurb and a few pages before choosing. As for textbooks, I particularly like Back To Basics for Primary students. Sadly I am yet to find textbooks that are inspiring for teens. We don’t relate to boring pages that read dry and dull, and we are definitely not attempting to replicate school. But a few textbooks can help guide us with our Learning Plan. Most text books have the answers provided - so don’t worry if you can’t remember if volume is squared or cubed. We have sourced interesting reference books, which sparked our enthusiasm to purchase them. We also regularly borrow from the library, which can save a lot of money. Joining one library gives you access to many other libraries for books, films, resources, holiday programs, presentations and festivals. You can then print out a list of all the books your children borrow via the Online Library Log In. This you can show off at a Renewal of Registration meeting. Our lists go out the front door and down the path … In other words, we devour books. An audio book is also a text. A graphic novel is a text. Writing letters back and forth with a grandparent is producing and reading texts, and reading information straight from an Internet site is a form of a text too, EG. Permaculture For Kids: A film is a visual text in that the script comes alive on the screen via image and voice. If you have keen audio/visual learners like I do, then film is gold, and there are so many genres to choose from. It doesn’t need to be a documentary to be a valid visual text, although we do love David Attenborough. Providing Evidence for your Recording: Physically showing the texts; photos of the texts; a print out of the books bought or borrowed; a list of websites visited. TUTORIALS A tutorial is ANY online platform of learning for your child, a platform created with the intention of educating a child. Think: Reading Eggs, Maths Online, Inventorium, Kahn Academy. You may pay monthly or annually, and some are even free. Many learning platforms offer a free trial, and make sure you let their administration know you are a Homeschool Family to receive a discount. Often these platforms provide Parent Access, which means you can view which level your child is up to; what skills they are working on; how cute their avatar is etc. We’ve used online platforms a few times over the years, and we take our time to choose ones that resonate. Providing Evidence for your Recording: A print out of the level or achievement; a print out of activities completed; a photo of the child while using the online platform. TUTORS A tutor is someone you hire, typically weekly, who has specialised knowledge. Their fee will depend on their qualifications, years of experience and the time scheduled. You may need to factor in a fee for travel if they come to your home. A tutor may work one-on-one or in groups. A coach is a type of tutor: a music teacher; a martial arts instructor; or a math tutor, etc. I am guided by my children in who they choose as their tutors, as I find it to be an intimate experience for them, and I know how important it is for us all to know, like and trust our tutors. I am also a registered teacher and facilitate classes for my girls in a group setting each week. In these I focus on Literacy and Numeracy, and then any other subjects that naturally branch off from whatever we deep-dive into. Providing Evidence for your Recording: A report written by the tutor; an action shot with the tutor; completed tasks; book work; project work; photos of excursions. IT TAKES A TRIBE TO RAISE A CHILD. THANK YOU TRIBE. Rachel Faith TALKS / YARNING Talking or yarning that innately transfers knowledge may be planned or naturally occurring. Children are ever curious, enjoy asking questions, intrinsically search for meaning, and naturally long to apply their newfound knowledge. When a child is curious about a topic and is tutored by a specialist in the field, who shares their enthusiasm and experience, magic naturally unfolds. Yarning is a mode of learning that brings not only depth but the added bonus of bonding between speakers. Slowing down our pace of life brings more time for families, friends and facilitators to yarn with our youth. I believe it enriches us all. Sharing knowledge, skills, and even attitudes is rewarding in and of itself. And it’s perfectly fine for a child to be expert in their field too. Homeschooling has many benefits but a major one is more time for our children to deep-dive into their interest areas and become experts from a young age. Our family finds it invaluable and rewarding to spend time together, usually at dinnertime, chatting about our day. Scott Pape in, The Barefoot Investor For Families, can’t stress strongly enough the benefits of dinnertime chats. We all have a story to tell, we all need to be heard, and one of our primary needs, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, 1943, A Theory Of Human Motivation, is a sense of belonging. I’m still working on reaching that transcendence level. Homeschooling opens up the opportunity for quality family time, and this is precious. Children grow up so quickly. Providing many opportunities for yarning is a blessing for them, as you role model clear and cohesive speaking skills, active listening, time for processing, and then provide opportunities for the child to apply the knowledge. Providing Evidence for your Recording: Anecdotal notes on what you yarned about will suffice, or a photo of a chat session in progress. Rachel Faith is a teacher happily working out of the system, Homeschool mum, and Homeschool tutor of 15 years. Rachel has created Micro Classes Australia - Job Creation for Teachers via Home Schooling, and small, tailor-made Group Classes for children aged 3 to 19.
Would you like to re-instate your work/life balance? Would you like to be part of a new paradigm of education in Australia? Part of a movement which has benefits for all of us? Well then, read on. Assessment is NOT a component of home-schooling requirements. Just imagine how much time alone this opens up for actual teaching and learning. Create time for yourself and your students by focussing on what is important. Learning through engagement. Seeking out knowledge. Experiential learning. Interests-based projects. Depth over breadth. At MCA project work can revolve around a child’s interests with tangents stretching in all directions and that project can take as long as it darn well pleases. No limitations. And no grade at the end. Seriously! Can you conceive of working in a harmonious environment where the children are there because they WANT to be? Where the students don’t have attitude? Where they are fully engaged? I experience this every week and I love it. Can you imagine working without the stress? Minus the line-managers? Within a tribe of support where your needs and wishes are being met? And have you ever really stopped to think about what we pay forward on to our students when we are wound up? The pressure. The stress. The ‘not good enough’ mentality. Do you see and feel the fault lines in the system but feel disempowered to fix the core issues? Home schooled children in Australia are generally not intimidated by adults as most are not subject to the authority model which springs off an antiquated punishment paradigm. These children have a natural respect for their elders which allows them to have the confidence to speak confidently and respectfully with adults and make genuine connections. Did you really sign up to become a teacher to test, grade, control, punish, stream, and stress? Or did you hope to support, encourage, teach, and inspire the next generation (or two)? So, if you’re ready to step into this long-awaited educational model that is sparking enthusiasm across this great continent of ours; if you’re ready to step into your higher teacher self; and if you’re passionate about helping children become the best version of themselves minus the stress, then make contact with MCA. Request the Tutor Key Facts Sheet
Once upon a time, a few centuries ago, home-schooling was the norm and play was considered not just natural but necessary for the proper development of a child. Families had close bonds as they spent a lot of time together – playing, learning, working, and growing alongside one another. Emotional needs of children were taken care of, siblings hung out, and children spent time with other children of all ages in their local neighbourhood. And everyone was generally much less stressed. Sound familiar? It certainly does to longer term home-schoolers. We got this memo and we’ve not looked back. It does take courage to step away from the norm and do something different but it is made even more difficult when parents/carers who have children with additional needs are told by the school body they are really doing the wrong thing by taking their child out of school. James Mulhern, an educational historian wrote in 1946: ‘The masses of the people in any great society can be held together, over a long period of time, by the method of keeping them in fear and ignorance...’ I was certainly ignorant of what home-ed meant and I am a teacher. There were all sorts of myths and criticisms floating around the staffroom which I previously bought into. De-schooling Defined De-schooling is the process of recalibrating a child’s AIM System (adrenals, immune, meridian) post exiting an educational institution. The institution may have trained the child’s body and mind to respond to bells, comply with rules, follow timetables, study fixed curriculum, and strive for results in assignments and assessments. The child’s brain may have been trained to cling to facts and figures to later regurgitate at test-time, their bodily functions given the green light to expel only at certain ‘convenient’ times of the day, and their gluteals numbed to endure copious hours of hard plastic chair sitting. De-schooling is the first component in the process of recalibration of the child back to their natural state of curiosity, charisma and charm. The child’s adrenal glands, immune system, and meridian lines may be exhausted, over-whelmed, and under-functioning due to the stress of tests, social dis-ease, lack of socio-emotional support, pressure to conform/please/succeed, and possibly by the sheer volume of noise and numbers of people. Not everybody digs a rave. Add into the mix a teacher they don’t like who they are stuck with for a year or more, or worse, a teacher who doesn’t like them, and the child’s AIM System will be utterly hammered. Go figure! The intent of de-schooling is to de-traumatise, de-stress, de-systematise. The positive flip of these: relax, rejuvenate, recalibrate. Our Personal Story Of De-schooling Unenrolling my eldest daughter, Emily, from school in year 3 was a winner. Her immune system was shot as she’d contract flu after flu in the classroom and her behaviours were unpleasant as she was stressed out from the competitive environment, regular testing, and some bullying. And I noticed how often she was putting herself down which really had me concerned. The unpredictability of playground socialisation was sometimes confusing for Emily too. Having an autism spectrum aspect meant she needed guidance and support for social interactions. Within weeks of her home-schooling journey, I could see Emily was on the improve. There were factors contributing which were already in place: her younger sister, Jade, at home already home-schooling; regular contact with home-school families on the same page; and plenty of time to play in our large yard with trees to climb and a swimming pool. Emily had time to dive into her passions which included reading novels, anything Star Wars, Lego (which in my daughters’ younger years began producing more girl-centric designs), and that amazing inground pool. She was able to sleep in when she needed, which was most days. She was catching up. I noticed Emily’s self-worth and confidence had been adversely affected by her schooling experience, so I called in for reinforcements, i.e. loads of confidence boosting. The adults in her life increasingly gave her compliments and made a fuss when she wanted to present something she was proud of. We gently brought her awareness to her comments which were particularly comparative. I suggested she replace phrases such as: I’m so stupid’, ‘I can’t do this’, ‘I’ll never get this’, ‘X was always better at this than me’ with both neutral and positive comments: ‘I’ll get this in time’, ‘I know I can do it, it’ll just take more practice’, ‘I’m great at X, Y and Z’, ‘It doesn’t matter that I’m not great at A because it’s not my talent area anyway’. In time, Emily was becoming more self-assured and less self-derogatory. What a relief! We all tend to be good at what we really enjoy doing and as such by the mere fact that Emily had plenty of time involved in those activities meant she was loving herself more. The authentic positive feedback from others was encouraging which led to positive self-talk occurring naturally and more frequently. It took around 9 months for Emily to really sink bank into herself and become carefree once more. By then most of her behaviours, which included some tics, had resolved and she was a calmer, happier person. Then the sisters and I were ready to regularly enjoy play dates, excursions, Drama class and Sport activities alongside other home school families without Emily getting burn out. For the next 7 years Emily was home-schooled where she experienced a quality home-ed Plan with regular activities which she enjoyed. For a couple of those years, we were part of a home-school learning hub with several other families. The parents revolved the program around the children’s interests, we scheduled ample time for play, and hired tutors passionate about their lessons. We have some great memories of those times and some friendships have endured. Younger sister Jade was very happy to learn her sister would be home-schooling too. The First Steps To De-Schooling Stress Less It was fantastic to say farewell to early morning stress attacks of lunch-box prep, sock finding, homework finishing, getting Emily out of bed before her circadian rhythm would have her up, and travelling. No more yelling down the hallway: “Get up for goodness sake! You’re going to be late!” It’s a no-brainer that we de-stress alongside our children. I certainly feel calmer and nicer. Embrace that which helps your family to experience less stress. It could mean letting go of some extra-curricular activities too, even if just for a while. And you will find time opens for opportunities which are more in alignment with your child’s needs. As we, the parents/carers, become more relaxed, our children can’t help but feel that. Natural rhythms Be patient as your child reconnects with their natural cycles – waking up in the morning when their body is ready; going to the bathroom whenever they need; eating when they feel hungry; continuing on and on with activities they are immersed in. Let them rest in bed in the morning if that’s what they need and avoid the rush of life. And remember that teens shift their sleep pattern to needing sleep later in the night but waking up later in the morning. Spending time in the great outdoors will help your child tune into the natural rhythms offered by the seasons, sun and stars. Strewing I was introduced to strewing by a friend which is ‘mindfully leaving out resources’ such as: books, games, toys, crafts, kits, recyclables, or audio-visual material that you find soul nourishing for your child to chance upon, explore and integrate. Strewing provides opportunity for self-directed learning (or just fun) minus expectations, the intent being to ignite curiosity rather than for a desired educational outcome. I find it really works and takes the pressure off the child to ‘perform’ or ‘succeed’. Board games which we had not used for years came back out of the cupboards, Craft projects resurfaced, book series’ were re-read, and bits ‘n pieces were turned into ‘useful’ contraptions. What fun! And mess. But worth it. And for those children who are triggered by anything which reminds them of school, strewing will come in handy for sure. Interests This is where the heart of home-education really lies, in your child’s interests. Time opened up for my girl to properly engage in what she loved to do. It is so important for children (and adults) to spend time doing their favourite activities as it gives us a sense of joy and accomplishment. I believe that a child regularly engrossed in their interest areas is far more likely to be happy and find it much easier to gravitate toward a vocation that is in alignment with their talents and purpose in life. They are more on-track. We revolve our home-school Plan around our children’s interests and as the years progress those interests change up. Play There is always learning when we play, whether it be: the rules of the game, social skills of turn-taking, actively listening to others, gross/fine-motor skill development, strategic thinking, laying down neural pathways (grooving), multi-sensory connections, and so on. But even more important than the learning is the relaxation and joy we experience. Open portals of time to play as a family doing what the children truly enjoy rather than what your adult brain thinks they ‘should’ enjoy. Again, focus on their interests. When you feel ready, reach out to other home-school families to connect with and form friendships – not just for your children but for you too. And forget the guilts around how much time you’re spending having fun – this stuff is medicine. Nature immersion Getting in touch with nature is important to de-stress the body and the mind. Green is healing, blue is cleansing and brown earths us into stillness and grace. There are so many little creatures to be witnessed for the wonder and delight they bestow. Trees have been patiently waiting with outstretched limbs for the children to come back and climb, and the birds always have new songs to perform. I involved my daughter in picnic packing, choosing a site (whether that was forest, park or sea) and headed off to explore. Our family was together in nature breathing in the fresh air while enjoying fresh organic food. Simple but magical. Unleashing The Imagination If a little bit of boredom creeps in for your child, do not despair; in fact, rejoice. For it is in boredom that the creative (right side) of the brain gets an itch. That itch leads to an inspired idea, and that idea turns into a reality with the right resources, support and space. When bored, the right brain integrates more effectively with lefty and together they begin to explore unchartered terrain. The imagination is let loose, given license to perform at regular intervals unbridled by bells of interruption, unhinged from over-crowded curriculum, unbothered by national tests. No more fight, flight, freeze, fawn, friction or fizzled out brain cells. Now it’s all: play, passion, and possibly puns. Step aside and begin to be entertained. Guiding your child/adolescent away from the temptation to launch into brainless escapism and passive forms of entertainment will certainly help the creative juices to flow. But they also just might need plenty of down time to relax in their own way. Toys stacked away and untouched for fear of peer humiliation will resurface; your child’s sense of humour will have you rolling in fits of laughter; their stories will take you to newly created lands with creatures you’ve never heard of and impossible to pronounce. Fear not! Your child knows exactly what they’re talking about even if you don’t. Ideas burst forth from secret places within the child’s repressed Zone Of Ingenuity (something I just made up but the capitals make it look important). Don’t worry! We all have one. You have one too. It may lie a little dormant, having gathered froths of dusty discontent and all-consuming alliterations - but it’s there. Is it time for you to de-school too? For me it’s like personal development – yet another layer of that onion, never quite reaching the core. Probably because onions don’t even have a core. Another aha moment. It’s the journey that matters, right? So, walk beside your child to shake off the dust and that onion stink. Step forth to places in nature where the unusual flora and fauna hang out to spark curiosity and know that it is in play that we reconnect with joy and wonder. But most of all trust that it is within a wholesome family where we truly stretch and grow. Photos: busking, cooking and creature watching. My Top 5 Recommendations For De-Schooling Allow your child to wake naturally in the morning and ease into the day Provide plenty of emotional support with loving-kindness, being present, and active listening Spend time in nature to restore your child’s AIM system Provide lots of opportunity for your wonderful to deep dive into their interests Allow for some natural learning with no agenda and nil assessment And most importantly, trust in the unfolding of this process. Step forth with confidence knowing that your intentions are right and your resolve is strong. Hopefully, before too long, you will have your child filled with curiosity and charisma back.