My Literacy classes are for students with over-active imaginations who have a passion for listening to, viewing, and writing stories that are character and plot driven.
Touch Typing, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, and Punctuation are regular staples for your child to feast upon as their vocabulary grows to monumentally exacerbated quantities.
We study novels together, view films of interest, and learn our Indigenous historical truth. Your child must be prepared to have fun while learning.
My Mathematics Main Lessons are based on units of work with depth and breadth (very handy in Math actually) which can be applied to real life.
Times tables are reviewed regularly, practical skills are harnessed.
Your child’s confidence with mathematical concepts of all shapes and sizes will grow to infinite proportions while learning valuable skills for life.
The Wednesday class are delving into gardening, growing their own seedlings for recipes. Math, Literacy and Science are alive in the kitchen and the garden.
I provide Home Tasks for 3 days for approximately 90 mins.
Mondays: 7-10 years old. 10.15am-3pm. Math, Literacy, Rotation Station Activities, Story Time, Free Play Time.Â
Tuesdays: 11-14 years old. 10.15am-3pm. Math, Literacy.
Wednesdays: 8-14 years old. 10.15am-3pm. Personal Development, Drama, Science text, Creative Writing, Gardening.
Fridays: 7-10 years old. 10.15am-3.15pm. Math, Literacy, Rotation Station Activities, Story Time, Free Play Time.Â
Classes are during school term. Roughly ten weeks for four terms per year.