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 Micro classes are a place where the teacher holds space for the children to achieve their goals, collaborate and form bonds.

MCA is focused on lessons that are interesting, have real life application and are meaningful.


The Shift Toward Micro Classes

Homeschooling is as old as the hills and once again a popular choice for families in Australia.

With rising numbers of pro-choice devoted families, home schooling is the preferred option.

However, classes with specialist teachers may still be desirable and even necessary for busy parents.

And teachers who are inspired and passionate about their subjects are an added bonus.

Need help with your Learning Plan for home school registration or just to stay organised?

Look no further than an MCA teacher.


Looking for small-sized classes with content with real life application?

You’re in luck.


Would you like to see your child de-stress and be fully engaged in their learning?


MCA seeks present parents who are genuinely interested in what their children are learning and who appreciate the benefits of tailor-made programs.

At MCA our teachers provide bespoke lessons, generous time for socialisation, and we place high importance on the child’s emotional landscape within the lessons. Student’s interests are woven into the fabric of the program which means they are inspired.


MCA classes are for children aged between 5 (turning 6 in that year) and 19 years old. With MCA homeschooling keeps getting better.

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~ Member funded not-for-profit registered charity ~

Proudly supporting home educators across Australia

  • support with homeschool registration

  • discounts on resources

  • home schooling styles explained

  • and so much more

Interested in finding out more as a parent/carer?

Is your child/children already homeschooling?
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